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Setting up ROI

In the parameters widget you can set a ROI (Region Of Interest). This will effect the spatial and spectral dimensions of your camera. Some hyperspectral cameras don't use the full chip size but a smaller area. The fluxTrainer already cover the reduced area and the largest configural ROI (0) gives you the full readable chip size (1). If you want to set a ROI you can do so via the parameters OffsetX, OffsetY, Width and Height.

1 Full active area, no ROI reduction

2 OffsetX: Sets an pixel offset in the spatial dimension

3 Width: Limits the number of pixels that used from the chip, starting from the set OffsetX value

4 OffsetY: Sets an pixel offset in the spectral dimension

5 Height: Limits the number of pixels that used from the chip, starting from the set OffsetY value

Notice: It's important to know how your hyperspectral camera treats binning and ROI, respectively the order in which binning and ROI reduction are performed.

Setting up MROI

MROI (Multiple Region Of Interest) can be set up through camera settings (true MROI if enabled for the selected camera type; available for SPECIM cameras), here you can set up the what bands in the camera should be used for measurement. In the following example two ROIs are set up. The first uses the bands from 0-n the second one bands ranging from 40-m. All the other bands are ignored and not read out during measurement.

NOTICE: You have to check what band for the spectral resolution equals what wavelength. This information is not been given through fluxTrainer but can be obtained from the supporting information of your camera.

Setting up MROI with specific wavelength

If you don’t know what band correspond to what wavelength you can use the following procedure to set up an MROI using specific wavelength:

  1. Connect the camera (Configuration)

2. If applied change all binning parameters to 1x (1)

3. Switch over to the Processing Chain tab and select the source node to access the parameter settings

4. Change the wavelength range parameters to the set camera parameters by clicking the “Connected Camera” button (2)

5. Add MROI by clicking the + button (3), the following window will open:

6. Set up the starting and end wavelength by clicking the field (4)

7. Add another ROI region by clicking + (5)

8. Set up the wavelength for the second ROI (6).

NOTICE: The end value has to be greater then the starting value

9. Switch back to the “Configuration” tab

10. Use the drop-down menu and change MROI from off to custom (8)

11. Click the execute model to change the MROI settings of your camera to the set wavelengths from the processing tab (9)

NOTICE: only readable camera bands are settable. So if the set wavelength is between the true wavelength of the camera, bands will be chosen in a manner that interpolation will reach all needed wavelengths.

fluxWiki - The wiki for luxflux.software